Arjun Srivastava's Library

Arjun Srivastava's Library

The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design
Richard Dawkins


The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design


Rating: ****

Tags: Science, Life Sciences, Evolution, Lang:en

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company

Added: March 28, 2020

Modified: November 5, 2021


Richard Dawkins’s classic remains the definitive argument for our modern understanding of evolution. The Blind Watchmaker is the seminal text for understanding evolution today. In the eighteenth century, theologian William Paley developed a famous metaphor for creationism: that of the skilled watchmaker. In The Blind Watchmaker , Richard Dawkins crafts an elegant riposte to show that the complex process of Darwinian natural selection is unconscious and automatic. If natural selection can be said to play the role of a watchmaker in nature, it is a blind one―working without foresight or purpose. In an eloquent, uniquely persuasive account of the theory of natural selection, Dawkins illustrates how simple organisms slowly change over time to create a world of enormous complexity, diversity, and beauty. 22 illustrations **