Arjun Srivastava's Library

Arjun Srivastava's Library

Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet
Julian Assange, Jacob Appelbaum, Andy Muller-Maguhn, Jeremie Zimmermann


Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet


Rating: Not rated

Tags: Bisac Code 1: POL039000, Lang:en

Publisher: OR Books

Added: March 28, 2020

Modified: November 5, 2021


The harassment of WikiLeaks and other Internet activists, together with attempts to introduce anti-file sharing legislation such as SOPA and ACTA, indicate that the politics of the Internet have reached a crossroads. In one direction lies a future that guarantees, in the watchwords of the cypherpunks, “privacy for the weak and transparency for the powerful”; in the other lies an Internet that allows government and large corporations to discover ever more about internet users while hiding their own activities. Assange and his co-discussants unpick the complex issues surrounding this crucial choice with clarity and engaging enthusiasm.