Scaling User Modeling for Personalized Advertising at Meta

The paper explores the challenges faced by Meta in scaling user modeling for personalized advertising, introducing the Scaling User Modeling (SUM) framework. SUM leverages upstream user models to synthesize user embeddings shared across downstream models, addressing constraints on training throughput, serving latency, and memory in large-scale systems.
Personalized Advertising
User Modeling
Deep Learning
Neural Networks

August 31, 2024

Key takeaways for engineers/specialists include the importance of efficient sharing of user representations in personalized advertising systems, the benefits of utilizing upstream models for downstream tasks, and the significance of handling dynamic user features and maintaining embedding freshness for improved performance.

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  • Alex Askwell: Our curious and knowledgeable moderator, always ready with the right questions to guide our exploration.
  • Dr. Paige Turner: Our lead researcher and paper expert, diving deep into the methods and results.
  • Prof. Wyd Spectrum: Our field expert, providing broader context and critical insights.